Clinton's Battleground Map Lead Narrows

NBC attributes these changes to the natural tightening of the race, with Republican voters coming back home to Trump

In NBC News' updated presidential battleground map, Hillary Clinton has 274 electoral votes in her column -- which is more than the 270 needed to win the presidency, but it's down from where it was last month (at 287). Meanwhile, Donald Trump's electoral-vote total has grown to 180, up from 157 in mid-October. And we have 84 electoral votes in the Tossup column.

The big changes here: We moved Georgia, Iowa, and Maine's 2nd Congressional District from Tossup to Lean GOP; we moved Nevada from Tossup to Lean Dem; and we moved both New Hampshire and North Carolina from Lean Dem back to Tossup. We attribute these changes to the natural tightening of the race, with Republican voters coming back home to Trump. But we will continue to watch any fallout from last Friday's Comey news.

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