Can I Get Your Web Number?

Biden loves those tubes, the Google

WASHINGTON -- "Do you know the Web site number?"

That's the question Vice President Joe Biden posed to an aide recently during an interview with the CBS Early Show when asked if he knew the URL for the administration's new recovery Web site.  Biden couldn't remember, but thankfully for him the staffer did.

"Do you know the Web site number?"

Phone numbers, Web addresses ... they're all the same, right?

Democratic leaders probably cringed when they heard Biden blurt out his lack of knowledge about the administration's own Web site, considering they like to be known as the technologically advanced political party.

While the gaff wasn't major, it does take us back to the days of former Sen. Ted Stevens and his beautiful explanation of the Internet and its "series of tubes." If you've never heard his diatribe on the tubes, please do yourself a favor and click here.

That speech was made in 2006, around the same time President George W. Bush said that one of the things he's "used on the Google" were maps. It turned into another shining YouTube moment.

But technologically challenged politicians continue to make a mess of the Internets three years later. The recent Twitter phenomenon has helped, with officials tweeting things they shouldn't.

So when will the Internet fiascos subside? Probably not for a long time, as politicians look for any advantage they can when wooing voters and gaining support.

For now, at least, it's making for some great entertainment.

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