Calif. About to Get Ohio, Wisconsin's Money

There has been talk that more than a billion dollars in high-speed rail money would go up for grabs for weeks and today it looks like it is really going to happen. 

 Congressional sources told AP that the Obama administration will take $1.2 billion away from the Midwest states of Ohio and Wisconsin and give it to among others California.

The reason it is becoming available is that Republican governors opposed to high-speed rail were elected in Ohio and Wisconsin and both promised to kill the rail projects.
Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein were quick to raise their hands and ask for the money to be reallocated here.

Illinois and New York are also reportedly on the list of state's that will get a chuck of the money.

California's high speed rail may be getting more money today, but it still has some tough crossings ahead.  On Wednesday minority business owners joined an effort to force the feds to pull $3 billion from in the initiative.  The group claims California High-Speed Rail Authority "utterly failed" to attract diverse businesses in the contract selection.

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