Security for Betsy DeVos Costing Education Dept. Nearly $1M Per Month

The U.S Marshals Service is providing unprecedented protective detail to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and the added security will be costing her agency almost $1 million per month, the marshals service said Friday.

The stepped up security began in February, as NBC News reports, following a threat assessment ordered by the U.S. Attorney General, the marshals service said. While the agency did say it determined a threat to her safety exists, but it did not elaborate or provide any details.

Under an agreement between the marshals service and the Department of Education, the education department will reimburse the marshals service $7.78 million for security for the nearly eight months from Feb. 13 through September, and the protection will continue for the next four years.

If the current reimbursement rate remains the same, that totals to around $1 million per month.

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