A Safari West Fundraiser Will ‘Roar' From Afar

The in-person and virtual event, which is happening at the Santa Rosa animal park, will help educational programs.

John Burgess/Sarah Jane Tarr

ADORING ANIMALS? Our affection for critters of all sorts, from little bitty beasties to the sizable and spectacular mammals that tower above us, often begins at a young age. Ask any kid to describe the main traits of a particular animal and they'll likely be able to summon a few facts, a colorful description or two, and perhaps be able to make the sort of call/bleat/growl that is synonymous with the animal. Our planet's horn-rocking, paw-trotting, snout-sweet residents are an eternal area of fascination for us humans, from the time we're quite small, and finding ways to connect critters and kids remains an important, educationally enriching goal for any conservation organization.

SAFARI WEST, the "Sonoma Serengeti" that's located in Santa Rosa, has found a new way to strengthen that connection: "Safari West Live!" The "magical, interactive, live-streamed experience," which debuted earlier in the pandemic, "brings the beautiful animals and educational programming of the Safari West Preserve to thousands of underserved youth in schools across the country, as well as children confined to hospitals, many suffering from long-term illnesses." To help raise funds for "Safari West Live!," and other educational programs, the animal park is hosting a virtual and in-person fundraiser on May 14, 2022.

JOIN FROM HOME: Whether you're at the party, or looking in from across the state, country, or world, you'll behold a beautiful variety of vivacious critters (giraffes, rhinos, and meerkats all call the spacious property home), and learn about "Safari West Live!," and its meaningful outreach. An in-person ticket? It's $125, and open to adults. A virtual ticket? It's free to join, with a suggested donation of $25. Even if you can't join the mid-May fun, you can all upon Safari West while visiting Sonoma County; tours, special events, and talks are found on the destination's roar-worthy schedule.

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