A Path Forward?

California Forward, a leading reform group, has been working for years now on reforms to the budget and political process. One criticism of California Forward's previous policy suggestions is that, for all their merits, they seemed too small and technocratic for the challenges the state faces.

The group appears to be doing something about that. Executive director Jim Mayer offered a smart new approach in a blog post this week, entitled "The Path Forward," that ties governance reform to education and jobs. It's worth making time to read Mayer's post, available here. With Gov. Brown doing a long tease about his plans, it's nice to see California Forward, which has backing from some of the state's most prominent foundations, speaking directly about an approach to systemic reform.

Is it enough? Could there be improvements in the path outlined? You can get in touch with California Forward here. Tell 'em Prop Zero sent you.

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