20 Percent of Facebook Friends Are Jealous of You

A new study suggests that as many as one in five of your Facebook friends could be jealous of your success, family and especially your vacation photos.

The study of 584 Facebook users took place in Germany, so may not directly correlate with Americans but shows that Facebook friends could be harboring some jealousy. According to the study, almost 37 percent reported frustration with Facebook and out of that that number, approximately 29.6 percent said it was based on envy. (If you're doing the math, then that would be a total of about 12 percent of users.) However, researchers Hanna Krasnova, Helena Wenninger, Thomas Widjaja and Peter Buxmann, are quick to say that many users are loath to admit they're jealous of their "friends," so the number may be higher.

The biggest envy-producer on Facebook? Vacation photos caused 56.3 percent of Facebook envy, according to the study. A distant second was jealousy over success (15.4 percent), while others getting more comments and likes made 14.1 percent envious. Others' happiness made 7 percent green and 4.2 percent reported being envious about love and family.

As we mentioned earlier, this was a study done in Germany, and respondents reported much more jealousy in real-life scenarios rather than on social networks. However, if you think about the last few items you saw on Facebook that bugged you, were they about someone's great vacation or someone's happiness?

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