The following content is created in consultation with the San Diego County Water Authority. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC San Diego’s editorial staff. To learn more about the San Diego County Water Authority, visit

Residents and businesses in San Diego County are doing a great job of saving water this summer. To keep our regional water-saving strong throughout the drought, we all need to do just a little bit more to ensure that we have enough water in storage in case next year is also dry.

Here are four ways you can start saving water today:

1.) Learn More About Your Home’s Water Use
The San Diego County Water Authority provides an easy-to-use online calculator to help you save by showing you how much water you and your family use compared to similar households. To get started, click here.

2.) Don’t Overwater – Water No More Than Two Days a Week
Outdoor water use accounts for more than half of the water used at a typical home. Most local water agencies currently have restrictions in place to limit outdoor watering to no more than two days per week. Also, stop water waste by checking your irrigation system for overspray and run-off, and adjusting your sprinklers accordingly. You can save even more by replacing older sprinkler heads with newer, more efficient rotating models and by installing a drip irrigation system.

3.) Don’t Be a Drip – Fix Leaks Immediately

Whether it’s a small drip in the bathroom sink or a more significant leak outside, water loss from leaks adds up. They can waste up to 30 gallons a day and cost you money. Fix immediately or call a plumber. Upgrade to a more water efficient toilet or appliance and you could be eligible for a rebate. For information on rebates in your area, click here.

4.) Power Through Your Shower

Save your singing voice by cutting down on shower time. You can save 150 gallons a month or more by shortening your showers. Use a timer to track the length of your shower and then cut a minute or two off the time. Increase your water efficiency even more by capturing the warm-up water with a bucket and then put it to use watering plants or filling a pet’s water dish.

Visit for more info on the drought, local restrictions, conservation rebates and programs, and more!

And remember: When in Drought, Save Every Day, Every Way!

Watch this breakdown of how San Diego consumes its water
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