San Diego

Key Figure in CPUC Hearings of 2007 Wildfires Accepted Gifts: Officials

Commissioner Timothy Alan Simon, a key figure in the 2012 hearings to determine a rate hike for San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) ratepayers to cover the costs of the 2007 wildfires, accepted thousands of dollars in gifts at the time, according to the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).

SDG&E first owed $463 million to firestorm victims after an independent report by Cal Fire had determined its power lines caused the Witch, Rice, and Guejito fires a decade ago. Two people died and 1,300 homes burned down. Losses have run upwards of $2 billion.

But the company argued that some of the damage caused by the fire was out of their control.

In the 2012 hearings, SDG&E asked the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to retroactively impose a rate hike of nearly half a billion dollars to cover the cost of the fires, plus the cost of future damages.

The CPUC denied the company’s proposed rate hike during the hearings.

According to the FPPC, Simon was a member of CPUC from 2007 to 2012.

In 2012, Simon accepted gifts and travel-related payments from about 40 sources worth approximately $21,000.

In June of that year, Simon also received an over-the-limit gift worth about $1,600. He was required to disclose the gifts, but he failed to do so, FPPC said.

Simon is facing a proposed penalty of $5,500.

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