San Diego Zoo

What do the bat-eared fox babies say? The San Diego Zoo has thoughts

The three kits make up their mom, Winter's, first litter

NBC Universal, Inc.

The three kits make up their mom, Winter’s, first litter.

What's cuter than a fox?

That's easy: A bat-eared fox.

And what's cuter than a bat-eared fox?

That's even easier: Three bat-eared fox kits, as they're called.

The youngsters, which were recently born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, were all part of the first litter of Winter, their mom. According to the zoo, they have made their public debut and, as the zookeepers put it, "enjoy wrestling with one another and playing with mom’s big ears."

Well, who doesn't, ammiright?

Oh, and the zoo said, "Their current daily activities include chasing each other’s tails and catching crickets."

Now we've got FOMO, ammiright?

The kits' keepers say the canines are healthy, and are nursing during both days and nights. The trio has also started to eat solid food, in their case, mealworms, which they think are the bat-eared fox babies' favorites.

Mmm, mealworms, ammiright?

Wanna visit Winter and her kits? Head up to Escondido and visit the Safari Park’s Nairobi Village.

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