San Diego

Ocean Beach Lifeguards Put Out ‘David Buoy' For the Summer

The buoy was named by members of the community

Each summer, eight buoys are placed offshore from Ocean Beach to north Pacific Beach.

Ground control to Major Tom: It must be summer because 'David Buoy' is out! 

City of San Diego Lifeguards placed the large floating object in the sea about 200 yards off the shore near the Ocean Beach Pier Friday - a tradition that locals love. 

"Ocean Beach has some great character," said Sgt. Rick Strobel with San Diego Fire Department Lifeguards. "Some locals here wanted to call our buoy David Buoy." 

For those that can swim around David Buoy and back to the shore in ten minutes, lifeguards say it is a good indicator of who should tryout for their job in September. 

"Swimming around the buoys is a summer tradition for many beachgoers," said Sgt. Strobel. "About 10,000 buoy swims take place every summer off the coast of San Diego beaches."

David Buoy is signed by some local business owners who have longstanding relationships with local lifeguards.

Each summer, eight buoys are placed offshore from Ocean Beach to north Pacific Beach. David Buoy will be floating near the pier for the rest of summer. 

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