Water Meter Readers Still Walk San Diego Streets

Customers question higher water bills

How accurate are our water meters? NBC 7’s Consumer Bob takes a look at the process that decides your water bill.

Steven Broyles leans over nearly 500 water meters every day.  He's a meter reader for the San Diego Water Department and it is his job to accurately read thousands of meters every year.

"We try to get the read as best we can, every single time," said Broyles.

It takes a water reader about 15 seconds to remove the metal or concrete lid, clean the display and punch  the numbers into a hand held device and then return the lid.  But it is those numbers that determine the customers bill every two months.

Kurt Kidman with the City of San Diego says the Water Department wants to make sure everyone is billed fairly, that a meter reader is a very important job.

"They are not just stopping and opening up the lid just for fun," said Kidman, "They are getting a read and over 99 percent of the time it is accurate."

But what if they are not able to get into the meter? The number on the bill could be an estimate.

"If it is an estimate it will say on the bill that it has been estimated," said Kidman. "So you'll know that for whatever reason we were unable to get a read."

In the future, San Diego may follow other water districts and install smart meters that are able to send back water usage numbers without the need for a reader.  That could also make it possible for customers to track their water usage every day. Right now San Diego Gas & Electric is lending out meters that allow customers to follow their electric usage and minute-by-minute electricity costs.

So how can customers check their meter? Kidman says customer bills are mailed within a few days of the meter reading. Customers can then take their bill to their meter and compare the numbers.

Common reasons for higher bills include the return of college age students and visits from relatives, summer gardens, refilling a swimming pool, warmer weather and leaks.

If you feel your bill is high with no explanation, you can call the water department for help. They offer audits but do not fix water leaks.

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