USS Gabrielle Giffords to Be Homeported in San Diego

USS Gabrielle Giffords, the Navy’s newest Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), will soon be on its way to San Diego.

The ship, named after the former Democratic Arizona congresswoman, was commissioned in Galveston, Texas, Saturday afternoon. Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton were among those who attended.

"The U.S.S. Gabrielle Giffords is strong and tough, just like her crew. We ask so much of you, [and] despite danger, you say yes. You make me proud; you make America proud,” Giffords said during the ceremony.

The Navy said it named the ship after Giffords because of the perseverance she showed after an assassination attempt in 2011. Six people were killed in the shooting near Tucson where she was meeting with constituents.

The USS Giffords will be homeported in San Diego.

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