Updated iPhone, Nano, Touch Appear on Web

Could it be that Apple -- the most buttoned-up of buttoned-up companies -- has allowed leaks only hours prior to its product release? Looks like it, according to The Verge.

News releases for an iPhone 5 and new iPod Touch and Nano are showing up in search results on Apple.com. The release of iTunes 11 is also pre-announced (our emphasis).

Another leak shows that LTE will be featured in the new iPhone (a "want" from Press Here host Scott McGrew).

That's why they rent that stage in San Francisco -- for the details.

The LTE connectivity is impressive, as it may well spawn a new round of litigation from Samsung. Both companies have been rounding up patents in anticipation of wave of court time, lawyers and affidavits.

LTE would close the gap Samsung and other competitors have with quicker networks (let alone their bigger screens). One analyst said Apple is "more in a defensive role" after five years of iPhone disruption.

Apple stock reached an all-time high on Monday -- a known pattern that will probably feature a sell-off after today's announcement.

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