Sexual Messages Slipped into University City High School Yearbook

A letter was sent home to University City High School parents Thursday night explaining how sexually explicit senior quotes ended up below some photos in the school’s yearbook.

The controversial comments are below the pictures of three senior students.

In the letter, Principal Jeff Olivera explained that the suggestive wording slipped past a review of the yearbook.

"Each year, some of our students do not use good judgment and try to make inappropriate comments. For that reason, we have several staff members read through the entire yearbook, before it is sent to press,” the letter stated.

"Unfortunately, there are a few "messages" that slipped through our review. Our entire staff, and I'm sure a vast majority of our students, regret if anyone has been offended by these statements."

One student told NBC 7 it wasn’t clear if the three seniors involved were punished or kept from attending any senior activities.

Olivera says the quotes will be reviewed more closely in future years.

UCHS will hold its last day of classes for the school year on Tuesday.

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