Tribute to Chelsea

Just hours after a torturous day in court for Chelsea King’s family, a video surfaced on the family’s Chelsea’s Light Facebook face.

The video is a touching tribute to Chelsea -- to who she was -- and how her peers remember her.

This video intends to let the world know who Chelsea King is. It aims to give a description of her loving and eccentric personality and how she affected the world around her. Out of respect for and in memory of Chelsea King, we should strive to live our lives with a more positive outlook and in a more loving manner. That way Chelsea's spirit will live on in and through us.

(Click here if you're having trouble viewing the video.)

Chelsea was a straight-A student who ran on the cross-country team, played French horn in the San Diego Youth Symphony and was active in her school's peer counseling program.

"Chelsea wanted to make a difference in this world and she clearly did. Look around you. This is the difference that a young woman like Chelsea King makes in this world. It is up to us, all of us, to ensure that the shining light that Chelsea brought to this campus, to this community and to this country will never be extinguished," Poway Principal Fisher said at her memorial service in March.

Chelsea was a tireless volunteer in school and community activities, whether working at a prom for special education students or packaging food for needy families in Africa.

She had applied to 11 colleges and aspired to a career that would combine her interests in writing and the environment. Although her aspirations were cut short, her parents and friends say her light still shines strong.

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