San Diego

Top 5 Stories About San Diego Millennials in 2018

From housing to technology, millennials made a big impact in San Diego this year

As NBC 7's Digital Correspondent, I cater to an audience that prefers to get local news on web, mobile and social media platforms.

This means covering stories that matter to a younger audience, like my fellow millennials. From housing to technology to the latest trends, I covered a wide array of news that had to do with millennial behavior and lifestyles. These are the top stories from 2018: 

1. Many might think of San Diego as a retirement or military community, but did you know that nearly 25 percent of the workforce here is Millennial? It's one of the reasons San Diego enjoys booming biotechnology and cyber security industries. 

2. Despite a large population of Millennials living in San Diego, we found a discrepency when the area was ranked low for Millennial living. It's not only because of the high rent rates, it also has to do with lower wages locally compared to places like San Francisco. 

3. Millennials are big on dating through apps like Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. There is always the risk of being ghosted this way, meaning your love interest just stops talking to you with no explanation and essentially becomes a ghost. But experts say Millennials are doing this in the workplace too, and it's becoming a toxic behavior that recruiters are trying to get ahead of. 

4. Millennials love a good bargain, but one Millennial couple liked shopping in Costco so much, they decided to hold their wedding ceremony inside the Mission Valley location. NBC 7 was the only news outlet that captured the nuptials, after the bride invited me to the ceremony when we were chatting in the parking lot. They say you can get anything at Costco, and true love is no exception. 

5. One of the defining social impacts of 2018 was the #MeToo Movement, encouraging women to speak up about sexual assault and harrassment. Millennials I interviewed at Comic-Con said woman empowerment was higher than it had ever been in previous years. Not only did they feel that their male counterparts were respecting them more, they also felt more comfortable dressing up in costumes that were once traditionally classified as male-only. 

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