The San Diego County Water Authority shares simple tips on reducing your water consumption

The following content is created in consultation with the San Diego County Water Authority. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC San Diego’s editorial staff. To learn more about the San Diego County Water Authority, visit

Due to limited rain and a record low snowpack in the Sierra Nevada last winter, drought conditions are severe across California. It’s prompted the governor to declare a State of Emergency, encouraging residents statewide to conserve water.

Fortunately, doing your part to reduce water consumption is easier than you might think. Not only can you save water and energy, you may also be able to save money through a variety of financial incentives.

A good place to get started is by assessing how much water your household is consuming. This calculator will estimate how much you use and how your consumption compares to other San Diego families.

What next? The easiest way to become more water efficient is by incorporating these three simple lifestyle practices into your household routine.

1.) Let Your Lawn Get a Tan – Water No More Than Two Days a Week

Outdoor water use accounts for more than half of the water used at a typical home. Sure, a lush lawn looks nice, but there’s no harm in letting it get a good tan either. Limit irrigation to no more than two days per week and you’ll drastically cut down on water use.

2.) Don’t Be a Drip – Fix Leaks Immediately!

That leak you’ve been procrastinating on? Fix it! Whether it’s a small drip in the bathroom sink or something more significant outside, leaks add up, costing you money. They can waste up to 30 gallons a day. Fix them promptly. Bonus tip: Save even more water by only washing full loads of laundry and dishes.

3.) Power Through Your Shower

Save your singing voice by cutting down on shower time. You can save 150 gallons a month or more by shortening your showers. Become even more efficient by using a bucket to capture water while the shower warms up and use it to irrigate your plants!

Visit for more info on the drought, local restrictions, conservation rebates and programs, and more!

And remember: When in Drought, Save Every Day, Every Way!

Watch this breakdown of how San Diego consumes its water
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