Tablet is King, Outselling PC

Is the desktop dead?

Experts predict by 2015, the day of the desktop will be over and that tablets, like iPads, will be on the top of the computer check list. NBC 7’s Consumer Bob looks at the big changes occurring over a short period of time.

Robert Black uses a tablet computer so often, he owns three of them.  He even has a tablet attached to his steering wheel.

"It's with me 24 hours a day," said Black with Teq IQ, "It's with me all the time.

Black said he is more productive with a tablet.  He links to the internet using a MiFi connection and said it saves him time.

"It is just so convenient as opposed to launching a computer," said Black, "where a tablet you never have to turn it off.

Gurpreet Kaur, an industry analyst with San Diego-based Gap Intelligence, said tablets are smaller, cost half the price of a PC and are always available.

"I don't have to carry this big clunky machine or a big, giant desktop anymore," said Kaur, "I can have this small little thing, hold it in my hand and walk around the house."

Tablets like the iPad are also very easy for people to use.  Robert Black said nearly anyone can learn.

"You just push this little piece of software and then all of a sudden, everything you want is there," said Black.

The research company Gartner estimates tablets will outsell traditional PCs, including desktop and notebook computers, by 2015.  However, mobile phones will outsell them all combined.

In 2010 Apple CEO Steve Jobs predicted the tablet would pass the PC, but few people thought it would happen in just five years. 

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