Sunrise Powerlink Approved for Now

The controversial Sunrise Powerlink, a 119 mile energy highway, is one giant step closer to becoming a reality after being given a green light to build in the Cleveland National Forest.

The US Forest Service informed San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) of the decision last night to allow the construction, operation, and maintenance of a 19-mile segment of the transmission line on its land.

"This key decision accelerates the momentum for the Sunrise Powerlink, a project that will create much needed jobs, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and bolster reliability for the region's power grid," said SDG&E chief executive officer Jessie Knight, Jr.

Opponents of the line, including back country residents, environmentalists, and consumer groups say the line is dangerous as it will likely lead to more fires, unnecessary, and too expensive.

Several lawsuits aiming to stop the powerlink's construction have already been filed, meaning the ultimate decision could rest within the courts. 

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