Street Performer Given Ticket, Not Tips

Local musician says street ordinance is limiting his freedom of speech

Mark Mayville usually gets compliments and tips when he performs at Oceanside’s Sunset Market Thursday evenings.

But in March, Mayville received a $275 fine for violating the city’s noise ordinance, our media partner, the North County Times writes.

Now, Mayville is working with the ACLU because he says the ordinance is unconstitutional – it restricts his right to free speech.

The ordinance prohibits people from performing music on public streets at any noise level.

The ACLU sent the city a letter Tuesday asking them to repeal the ordinance and also to stop enforcing it in the meantime. The ACLU has not taken legal action, but says it will if the city does not repeal the ordinance.

Mayville still appears at the Sunset Market and promotes his appearances on Twitter.

For the complete story, read it on the North County Times’ website.

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