Solar-Powered Crossing Lights Signal Pedestrians Near Balboa Park

Pedestrians push the button on the corner to activate flashing lights to get the attention of oncoming drivers

After more than a year of debate, San Diegans living in Bankers Hill now can use a new solar-powered flashing crosswalk near Balboa Park.

The Uptown Community Parking District funded the project to make the 6th Avenue crossing safer, especially for those headed to the expanded children’s park.

Pedestrians push a button on the corner to activate the flashing lights on the pedestrian-crossing sign to get the attention of oncoming drivers.

Bankers Hill residents demanded the newly-designed crosswalks to help build a connection between the community and Balboa Park.

Bankers Hill Residents Group member Jim Frost said they worked for more than a year, possibly two years to see the system in operation.

“It’s taken some time but it has come to fruition and we’re absolutely delighted,” Frost said.

“We want to increase access to Balboa Park,” Interim Mayor Todd Gloria said before walking across the street with the group on a celebratory crossing.

“This is one down payment toward making it easier to walk there.”

Residents hope to bring more, similar crosswalks to the area in the near future.

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