Comic-Con Helps San Diego Vet Find Healing, New Career

As NBC 7’s Danya Bacchus reports, it was during his recovery from a violent home invasion that John Murphy was able to reconnect with what he once loved.

A San Diego veteran, injured in a random crime, found inspiration through a long-lost love of art and comics.

John Murphy's eight-year military career was cut short when he suffered a traumatic brain injury as a victim in a home invasion.

He says it was his experience at last year's Comic-Con that helped to launch his second career - drawing comics.

“The characters are really aspects of myself,” Murphy explained.

His journey into the comic book world has been a long one.

He’s always had a love for creating but it was put on hold after this retired Navy Dive Medical Technician was attacked during a violent home invasion.

“I didn't recall anything that had been happening in my life for quite some time. I don't know how I was rendered unconscious or for how long,” Murphy said.

It was during his therapy that he was able to reconnect with what he once loved.

Last year, his trip to Comic-Con connected him with the owner and creator of Monkey Brain, an online comic company.

Murphy said he left that meeting inspired to create his own comic.

Now, it's become an experience that has helped him heal, in more ways than one.

"This affords me some small measure of belief in myself,” Murphy said.

He will be at Comic-Con this weekend meeting with his mentor to share his creation. He’s hoping this story will help to inspire others, especially other veterans who are in therapy.

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