Our Loyal ShamROCKers!

At the direction of California authorities, we must sadly announce, due to COVID-19 concerns, we will not be celebrating ShamROCK 2020.

While this decision comes at a time of universal uncertainty, we take the safety and health of our guests, staff and community very seriously. We urge everyone to follow the guidelines and protocols put forth by public health officials.

For 26 years, we have been jigging with all of you on the streets of the Gaslamp with the proceeds benefitting the Gaslamp Quarter Historical Foundation, a small non-profit dedicated to preserving and protecting the historic Gaslamp Quarter. The proceeds of ShamROCK are crucial to our ability to serve and create programming for the community and our visitors as well as to protect our historic Gaslamp Museum at the Davis-Horton House.

It breaks our heart that after 26 years, we won't be celebrating Saint Patrick's Day with you but we look forward to returning to the Gaslamp with more Irish festivities than ever before!

As you can imagine, we are processing this change in events as quickly as possible.  We will have an official statement by this Friday at 4pm on the process for ticket options.

Wishing everyone health and goodwill and sending extra Irish love during this time.

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