Red Flag Warning Issued for San Diego County

San Diego County and other parts of Southern California are at risk of increased fire danger due to low humidity and wind gusts in the forecast.

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning just after 9 a.m. Tuesday for San Diego's inland valleys, coastal foothills and mountains.

Warming temperatures, coupled with offshore winds will create extremely low humidity levels, said NBC 7 Meteorologist Jodi Kodesh. San Diegans can expect very dry conditions, with humidity percentages falling in the 5 to 10 percent range, she said.

Residents can expect NE or E winds ranging from 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph, according to the NWS.

The National Weather Service alert covers these areas of Southern California.

According to the Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index, San Diego County is under moderate threat for significant fire activity, meaning that upon ignition, fires will grow rapidly and will be difficult to control.

County officials recommend residents make sure they have emergency preparedness kit ready, charge cell phones and gas up vehicles.

The red flag warning is in effect until 9 p.m. Wednesday.

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