Dear Friends/Families/Supporters/Filmmakers,

With the new "Gathering" recommendations from the California Health Department; we regret to inform that we have made the extremely difficult decision to postpone this year's 27th San Diego Latino Film Festival. Our festival team has been moving forward valiantly; and doing what they could to limit the damage and have a smaller and wonderful film fest, but now this :(... Every day, the news just seems to be getting worse. Here's what just came out last night from the State of

For the safety of all involved, we feel this is the best decision at this time. Please help our non-profit by quickly telling other festival patrons you may know, volunteers, partners, venues, announce on social media, actors/filmmakers etc.. of this unfortunate news. Over the next few days we will try to re-organize ourselves & comprehend the totality of this announcement; and come up with new plans for moving forward; and new 2020 festival dated.

We appreciate your donations, patience, and support of the San Diego Latino Film Festival these past 27 years!

Sincerely, Ethan van Thillo, Founder

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