San Diego Considers New Rules for “Cars for Sale” on City Streets

On Monday alone, there were five cars for sale on University Avenue taking up an entire block of parking.

NBC 7’s Elena Gomez reports on the ordinance being considered by San Diego’s City Council that would ban selling cars along the street in one community.

The San Diego City Council will meet this afternoon to consider a ban on cars parked for sale on streets.

If this ordinance is passed, it could bring the change to University Avenue, between 38th Street and Marlborough Avenue in City Heights and Southeast San Diego on Marmil Way between Marmil Avenue and Towanda Drive.

This makes City Heights residents and businesses more than happy, considering they’ve been pushing for the ban for years. It also means more parking on their streets.

On Monday alone, there were five cars for sale on University Avenue taking up an entire block of parking. But this isn’t the only thing car owners are doing now.

“They even go as far as washing them while they’re there,” Crystal Jackson, of Video Electronics on University Avenue, told NBC 7.

“It deters customers from coming because if they have to park five to six blocks away because they don’t have any parking. It affects our business extremely negatively,” Jackson said.

The store has contacted the owners of the “for sale” cars, but they only move the cars temporarily.

Different parts of the county already have no parking signs for people selling their cars.

Some City Heights residents who spoke to NBC 7 said they are more than eager for the ban.

“It prevents people from parking on University and also it’s an eye sore to see,” Steve Jones, a City Heights resident, said. “It looks like a car sales lot if you have four or five cars on the street. I don’t think it’s great for the neighborhood at all.”

The city says they have the funding to pay for the no parking signs which cost about $900.

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