San Diego Congressmen React to Trump's Crude Comments About Women

The Republican presidential nominee is under fire for the lewd comments he made in 2005

NBC 7’s Matt Rascon reports on what people are saying about hot mic comments Donald Trump made about women in 2005.

As Republican leaders across the U.S. decry Donald Trump following the release of vulgar comments he made about women on a bus with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush 10 years ago, congressmen in San Diego are also reacting to the crude chatter caught on tape.

On Friday, a decade-old recording of Trump resurfaced in which he bragged about being able to do anything he wants to women, including grabbing a woman’s genital area and wooing a married woman.

Republicans across the country have denounced Trump for the offensive comments.

In San Diego, Republican Congressman Darrell Issa released this statement about Trump Friday evening via Twitter: “This type of behavior has no place in American politics, especially not from those seeking to lead our great nation.”

Meanwhile, Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter’s chief of staff, Joe Kasper, released this statement on Hunter’s behalf:

“In many ways, I'm sure Donald Trump is learning he's not the same person he was 20 or even ten years ago. What sounds like bar room talk to some is very insulting to others – and he should explain how that's reflective of his character today, something many folks recognize but need to feel is sincere. And not to excuse but rather put in context, Trump was building a brand and a business empire without an expectation he'd ever run for office, much less President. In that regard there was no real consequence but that's definitely not the case when running for President.”

Democratic Congressman Scott Peters spoke with NBC 7 Saturday afternoon, calling Trump’s comments “reprehensible.”

“I’m not surprised, given what he said about Mexicans, about women in the past, about Muslims,” said Peters. "Scapegoating and name-calling comes naturally to him.”

Peters said Trump trying to direct attention at Bill Clinton's behavior in the past on the heels of the release of the recording appears to be an attempt to direct the attention of voters aways from his own behavior.

“Bill Clinton is not on the ballot; Donald Trump is on the ballot," Peters added.

NBC 7 has also reached out to Democratic Congressman Juan Vargas and Democratic Congresswoman Susan Davis. Vargas could not be reached, while Davis said she would not be making a comment on this matter at this time.

Meanwhile, local voters also had strong reactions to the comments made by Trump on that 2005 recording.

Carla Picket, who is voting for Hillary Clinton, told NBC 7 she’s not voting for Trump because he’s, in her words, “a disaster.”

“I wasn’t terribly surprised,” said Picket. “It made me very angry but everything he does makes me angry. I don’t even know how Americans are even considering him.”

Fred Grammar, who plans to vote for Trump, called the release of the tape a “political ploy to dig up dirt” on the Republican presidential candidate.

“People change. It was 10 years ago; I’m definitely not the same person I was 10 years ago,” said Grammar. “Yeah, okay – Trump’s been married three times, so what? I think he’s just the one who is most qualified to get the job done. Period.”

Sharon Wilson, an undecided voter, told NBC 7 that she feels that the presidential election has been tainted by mudslinging by both parties.

“Instead of focusing on issues, they’re focusing on each other’s personalities which is a shame. The issues are primarily important,” Wilson said. “I think they’re both out of their mind half the time. It’s an unfortunate election year. We don’t have good candidates right now, I don’t believe.”

Trump’s runningmate, Mike Pence, said he was “offended” by the comments and released a statement saying, in part: “I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them.” Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, also issued a statement, calling her husband’s comments about women “unacceptable and offensive.”

Trump released an apology in which he pledged "to be a better man" but despite the intensifying backlash, insisted he would “never” abandon his bid for the White House, even if Republican leaders across the nation call on his to quit the race.

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