San Diego

San Diego Goes International on Make Music Day

Make Music Day returns to San Diego

Dust off your old bagpipes and electric triangles and put them to good use on Wednesday, June 21, for the return of Make Music Day San Diego.

The all day celebration began in France back in 1982 as the Féte de la Musique, and it has become a worldwide affair that is open for all ages and skill levels. The event isn’t limited to genre either: Jazz, hip-hop, R&B, disco, rock and nerdcore electro-pop are all welcome.

Taking place on the longest day of the year (summer solstice), the global celebration encourages you to join over 700 cities spanning over 120 countries by playing music with strangers, friends and families in the streets, parks, patios, plazas and/or any public area.

Balboa Park and the Museum of Making Music will host events exclusive to San Diego -- one of which is the debut performance of the San Diego Parlor Orchestra, who will be performing their rendition of Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony at the Zoro Gardens in Balboa Park. A full schedule of events is scheduled for posting on on June 1, 2017.

Musician, people-pleaser, lover, fighter and writer Matthew Craig Burke has been spewing musical words of wisdom since never. He lives off of peanut butter sandwiches, beer and Beck Hansen. Follow his updates on Facebook or contact him directly.

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