Same-Day Delivery Spreads Through Online Stores

Order in the morning, delivered in the afternoon

Is it about convenience or impatience? 

More online stores are now offering same-day delivery to customers.

Amazon was the first major online retailer to offer the convenience but now traditional brick and mortar stores are doing the same thing.

WalMart is experimenting with the same-day convenience and now Sport Chalet is joining the small but growing crowd.

"It's kind of a new  and exciting thing for us," said local Sport Chalet store manager David Allen.

Allen says if they get an order on the Sport Chalet website between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. they can deliver the item by the end of the day.

"We get an email to the store, get it ready," said Allen, who says the store then waits for a delivery truck. "They come right in, grab it and go."

Sport Chalet customer Rick Brazee was shopping for shorts and a shirt at the University Town Center location and didn't know that he could shop on line for same-day delivery.

"I think it's a great idea," said Brazee.

In fact, he says next time he will consider going to the website, that same-day ordering seems to make sense for younger shoppers.

"Just our generation," said Brazee, "We're used to getting what we want, when we want it."

San Diego State University marketing professor George Belch says shoppers are no longer patient.

Some of that may be influenced by social media where texting and tweeting offer instant communication.

"I mean we live in a society where it is all about having it now, instant gratification," said Belch. "But the fact is the retail market has just become hyper-competitive. If this trend toward same-day delivery gets traction, everybody will follow, they'll be forced to." 

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