Safari Park Home to Extinct Rhinos

Northern White Rhinos of Africa were deemed "possibly extinct" in the wild by conservation group

A conservation group recently announced that the Northern White Rhino of Africa are possibly extinct in the wild.

San Diego Safari Park has two of these rhinoceros, which are some of the only ones left on the planet. There are only seven or eight total in the world, with four in Kenya and one or two in the Czech Republic, according to San Diego Zoo officials.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature said the Western Black Rhino of Africa is officially extinct, with another species called the Javan Rhino most likely being extinct.

“We've been very successful with breeding rhinos at the Safari Park,” San Diego Zoo official Jenny Mehlow told NBC San Diego.

The rhino population at Safari Park is also comprised of Southern White Rhinos and Greater One-Horned Rhinos.

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