Red-Tailed Hawks Nest on California Dome

Looks like the red-tailed hawk pair have one egg in the nest

Staff members at one of Balboa Park’s most popular museums are celebrating the arrival of two new tenants.

The colorful tiled California Dome is now home to the nest of two red-tailed hawks.

The pair has nested atop the San Diego Museum of Man and the female is brooding at least one egg according to the museum’s Facebook page. They even offer advice on the best viewing spot.

"You can see the nest from the ground if you stand in the southwest corner of the California Quadrangle in front of the San Diego Museum of Man, and look to the north, up at the dome."

They’re asking for a few name suggestions for mama hawk, papa hawk and fledglings. Go here to vote for your three favorites.

If you want to learn more about the hawks and why they’ve set up house on this popular perch, click here for the museum's blog post.

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