Navy Secretary Mabus Visits Shipyard

During his visit to San Diego Thursday, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus discussed many topics—everything from the Navy corruption scandal to radiation concerns from USS Ronald Reagan sailors. The one common thread in all his speeches was the importance of building ships in San Diego. NBC 7’s Wendy Fry has more.

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus showed his appreciation for local shipbuilders in one of a number of public visits in San Diego this week.

He is in town for a variety of visits and meetings, including discussions with local business leaders, military and federal employees.

Mabus addressed General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard employees Thursday morning, his third visit to the shipyard.

NASSCO has been building ships for the Navy since 1960. Mabus says one of his main areas of focus is military platforms and increasing ship production by the end of the decade. Mabus' first stop in San Diego this morning was to the San Diego Military Advisory Council's monthly breakfast meeting.

It's the fourth time that the Secretary has been to their meetings and he thanked each service member for their sacrifice to the country.

He spoke in front of business leaders and military men and women from all ranks, saying the partnership between the community and the sailors and Marines is admirable in San Diego and makes a difference.

Mabus also answered questions from the audience, addressing issues like sequestration and strategies to recruit retired military members.

The Secretary also touched on his belief that the Navy and Marines are always ready for any crisis and trained for excellence.

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