
Rancho Bernardo Family Battles COVID-19 Together

“My fever had spiked. I was just sweating, and I almost blacked out. It was really, really bad."

NBC Universal, Inc.

An NBC 7 newscaster shared his family’s struggle to battle COVID-19 together after they were sickened with the virus.

Scott Buzo and his wife Tracey have fully recovered from their bout with COVID-19, but the emotional scars from the experience remain.

“Nobody talks about how tough it is on your brain. How you think and you feel going through that, and then recovering,” said Scott Buzo as he fought back tears.

Scott, Tracey, and two of their three children contracted coronavirus in July.  Scott Buzo also works behind the scenes at NBC 7 as a newscast director.

“My fever had spiked. I was just sweating, and I almost blacked out. It was really, really bad,” he said.

Scott Buzo had the worst symptoms and spent five days in the hospital.

“That was the hardest thing is saying goodbye to him because they told me he’s going to the hospital and you hear stories about people going to the hospital and they don’t come home,” said Tracey Buzo. “So it was just a nightmare after hearing that."

Doctors treated Scott Buzo with Remdesivir, steroids, and plasma, but it’s uncertain what sort of effect the treatments had.  After being released from the hospital, it was still a difficult recovery.

My lung capacity was really diminished after getting out. My energy was horrible. I could barely walk 10-20 feet without getting winded,

said Scott Buzo

“He was kind of out of it. Just like a blind stare for a couple of weeks after he got out of the hospital,” said Tracey Buzo.

The Buzo family is feeling healthy again, but they are even more concerned now about the spread of the virus.

“It actually makes me a little angry that people aren’t taking it seriously,” said Scott Buzo.

Scott and Tracey Buzo are concerned about people not wearing masks, especially now that they’re preparing to send their children back to school.  While they can’t control what others do, they are eternally grateful for the friends and family who offered prayers and dropped off food during the ordeal.

“We got through it. We get through anything together,” said Tracey Buzo.

Tracey and Scott Buzo have children in elementary and high school. The oldest child did not get sick. The two younger children had mild symptoms and recovered quickly.

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