Police Probe Beach Brawl

More than a dozen teen surfers are questioned after a beach brawl, according to a published report.

Lt. Kelly Cain, investigations commander for the Carlsbad Police Department, told the North County Times that detectives have interviewed about a dozen teens -- all of them surfers -- who participated in the brawl on Feb. 16. Some of the people involved are cadets at the Army & Navy Academy in Carlsbad, he said.

The fight broke out at approximately 5:15 p.m. on a stretch of beach adjacent to the seaside academy's private staircase, which students use to access the beach.

Cain said that after a blow with a surfboard landed, several more teens piled on from both sides. Eventually a local lifeguard intervened and separated the two sides.

The lieutenant said the brawl involved "four or five" locals and "nine or 10" cadets who were surfing. One of the non-cadets received a broken nose in the incident and wishes to pursue charges against the teen who allegedly struck him, Cain said.

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