Pendleton Plan Proposed For Clean Water

A draft agreement to build a seawater desalination plant at Camp Pendleton is before the San Diego County Water Authority, according to the North County Times.

Desalination is a controversial procedure that takes the salt out of seawater, to make drinking water. 

Poseidon Resources has been in a tug of war with the state over building a similar plant In Carlsbad, next to the Encino Power Plant.  That one would produce about 50 million gallons of fresh water every day.  The plant proposed for Camp Pendleton would turn out between 50 million to 150 million gallons a day.

But environmentalists cry foul, saying the process of desalination would kill ocean life, and upset the ecosystem.

If the draft agreement is approved at Thursday's Water Authority board meeting, more details will be hammered out.  Including who would build the plant, and who would pay for it.

Read more: North County Times

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