San Diego

Parking Permit Controversy in San Marcos Neighborhood

The city will soon start implementing parking permits for residents

The city has a solution but not all residents are happy about it. NBC 7’s Llarisa Abreu has the details.

Residents in a quiet Rosemont neighborhood near California State University, San Marcos, say they are sick of students parking in front of their homes for days at a time.

The problem has gotten to the point where the city of San Marcos is stepping to find a solution. One of the solutions the city came up with is not making those residents happy either.

The city will soon start implementing parking permits for residents. It’s a pilot program where participating households will get two parking permits and guest passes.

“I prefer to have some regulation, cause right now there is none, zero,” Xin Kaczmarek said. “Anybody can park here — anyone. We have a small community so we notice and recognize those cars." 

The pilot program is expected to go into effect in early January and while it is in the testing phase, permits are free for residents. Once the year is up, and if the program gets approved, residents will have to pay for the permits.

A permit will cost a home $156 and guest permits will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis, costing another $10 for a daily pass.

There are 150 street parking spots, of which, 136 may be taken by resident permit holders so guest permits will be limited.

Some residents aren’t happy about having to pay to park in front of their own homes.

“I might then be forced to go look for somewhere else [to live]," Brian Gondar said.

Kaczmarek agreed.

“If they implement this payment for the parking permit, then yeah, I’m pretty sure it will raise some concerns.”

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