Officials Give San Onofre Nuclear Plant Positive Marks

NRC, FEMA say future drills will be more extensive

According to federal agencies, everyone invloved in a emergency drill for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station this week did a good job in responding to the simulation which included a mock release of radioactive steam into the environment, reports The North County Times.

However, many members of the public wanted to know why the drill, which simulated the malfunction of plant equipment, did not feature some sort of natural disaster like the massive earthquake that severely damaged the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in Japan in March.

Gary Headrick, president of San Clemente Green, a grass-roots organization that has recently voiced concern about safety at the plant, wanted to know whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which conducted this week's three-day drill, thought the existing 10-mile evacuation zone around the plant was adequate, given that U.S. officials recently recommended a much larger 50-mile zone for Americans currently in Japan.

For more on this story, visit our media partner The North County Times.

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