San Diego

Audience Left In Suspense After NBC Special Report Interrupts Last Moments of Final Jeopardy

In the last moments of Final Jeopardy, an NBC special report on the voting results of the Alabama senate race interrupted Tuesday night’s broadcast.

But all is not lost.

The game’s final response was, “The name of this city in the Departement du Nord comes from the Flemish for ‘Church of the Dunes.’”

The correct question was, “What is Dunkirk?”

The game’s final champion was Monday night's winner, LaKedra Pam.

Although she incorrectly asked, “What is Normandy,” she only wagered $7,601 of her $15,600 earnings.

She won the game with $7,999, beating her second place rival, Ian Shin, by nearly $4,000.

Shin's final response was,"What is Bordeaux?" He wagered $7,599 and finished with only $4,001.

The third-place contestant, Sarah Woodring, left an incomplete question to the final response, and was left with only $1 out of $2,000. 

Pam finished her two-day winning streak with $32,800 and the chance to play again on Wednesday.

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