San Diego

Most Reliable Days, Times and Airports for Booking Flights

Lindbergh Field actually fared very well, compared to most airports

The holiday season is here, whether your ready for it or not.

And while there’s much to do at home, many in the next day or month will be packing up and hopping on a plane. While demand is at its highest, the NBC 7 Responds team wanted to know which days, times and airports are your best choice when picking a holiday flight.

They crunched numbers from the Bureau of Transportation statistics in an effort to find the worst days and times to fly, and they survey said:

Thursdays had the highest number of delayed flights, as did flights departing between 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. On the flip side, Saturdays had the least amount of delayed flights. and flights that departed between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. had fewer delays.

NBC 7 Responds also looked at airports across the country that had the most delayed flights last year and found Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas-Fort Worth airports topped the list.

Lindbergh Field actually fared very well, compared to most airports. Out of the top 25 busiest airports in the country, Lindbergh Field ranked fourth on the list of lowest rate of late-departing flights.

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