More than 2,500 Civilians Expected to Run Marine Boot Camp Challenge

The Marines never do anything the easy way. The 14th Annual Boot Camp Challenge at MCRD San Diego combines a three-mile run with hay jumps, tunnel crawls, log hurdles, six-foot wall climbs, cargo nets, push-up stations and bayonets among other obstacles.

"It's a very long course,"  Douglas Voigt, a Marine Chief drill instructor told NBC7. " You're going to start off with a run, but you're going to be doing all types of agility, endurance and strengthening exercises throughout the three miles."

At least 60 Marine drill instructors will dot the course shouting encouragement to the more than 2,500 civilians expected to sweat, grunt and push their way to the finish.

The course, tough as it seems, is a realistic look at what Marine recruits do on a day-to-day basis.

All of the proceeds from the challenge go to quality of life programs for Marines and their families like recreational activities and community involvement.

The race takes place Saturday, September 26 at 9 am. It will be at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego on the Commanding General's Lawn at 3800 Chosin Ave.

Registration is open on the morning of the race and costs $45 for one person, $135 for a 3-person team and $225 for a 5-person team.

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