More Hiring, More Doing: Home Depot Adding Hundreds of Local Workers

Home Depot
NBC Connecticut

Home Depot

The home improvement giant Home Depot said on Wednesday that it had plans to add hundreds of hourly associates -- full- and part-time, as well as seasonal -- to its local payrolls.

"These are hourly positions, so the benefits [and pay] will vary depending upon the position [and years of experience]," Home Depot spokesman Michael Cowen told NBC 7.

Two hundred and fifty-four positions are being filled around the county, Home Depot said in a news release. Job hunters can go here to apply.

The jobs include customer service, handling freight, and filling online and curbside orders. All associates will be "helping to reinforce social distancing measures," Cowen said, asking customers to wear masks and enforcing social distancing while in lines and other crowded areas.

New hires will be trained on the job and will be provided with non-medical face masks and gloves.

With the county currently occupying the red tier, retail stores are limited to 50 percent of maximum capacity at a time.

The hiring announcement is sure to be welcomed in San Diego, a bit of good news amid the pandemic, which has cut a swath across the ranks of workers in the county. Unemployment in San Diego continues to hover around 9%, with few prospects for improvement on the horizon. The actual number of people without work is higher, of course, since the unemployment rate doesn't include anyone who is no longer collecting unemployment or was able to find part-time work during a recording period. Unemployment last year at this time was just under 3%.

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