Marine Squadron Says Tearful Goodbye

340 Marines are on their way to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Camp Pendleton based Marines from Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369 left for Iraq Sunday in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

340 marines left Sunday morning from Camp Pendleton and will end up in the Al Anbar province of Iraq in support of ground security operations. For about half of the group, it will be their first deployment to Iraq. Others have made multiple trips.

"We spent the last year training to get ready to go back to fight. Its not so much that we're looking to fight, it's just that we need to be ready for the fight and that's what this squadron is focused on," said Lt. Col Bill Zamagnf, who is making his third deployment to Iraq.

It was a morning of hugs, kisses, and difficult goodbyes for family members. "It's difficult. It's hard to say goodbye, but I'm proud of him and proud of what marines are doing. It's a sacrifice, but one we're willing to make," said Elizabeth Togerson, who's husband left with the squadron.

The deployment lasts for seven months.

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