Local Translation Service Receives Contract for Work on Iraq Documents

A San Diego-based translation service has taken on a unique assignment: translating documents related to the Iraqi government’s 1988 chemical weapons attack on Halabja, a town in the country’s northern, Kurdish region.

Imani Lee Inc. will do the work. Business owner Lee Martin said the job will likely take six to nine months and may bring in $1 million to $2 million which is being paid by the Kurdish regional government.

Martin said his business is trying to figure out how many people it will need for the job, adding that he will be hiring locally.

The project will likely give Imani Lee a 40 percent increase in revenue, he said.

Imani Lee Inc. had 2012 revenue of $1.7 million in 2012. It has about a dozen full-time employees and hires hundreds of part-time linguists. Martin said that 242 people were on the payroll in 2012.

The material to be translated includes official government and military documents as well as eyewitness accounts of the attack.

The business said that English translations will be presented to the U.S. Congress in an attempt to get the legislative body to declare the event genocide. Material will also go to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

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