Lives Lost, Lessons Learned

Dozens of people went to Iron Mountain Saturday, but not to hike. To learn.

They had signed up with Klaas Kids Foundation -- named after Polly Klaas, who was abducted and killed in 1993.  Since then, the foundation created in her name has organized classes around the country, teaching people how to do search and rescue more effectively.  Brad Dennis is the director of search operations for the foundation.

"We're really just trying to make them a better tool and a better resource for law enforcement or the local search teams," said Dennis.

Klaas Kids is the group that searched for Amber Dubois when she went missing. Her mom Carrie McGonigle was at today's class, and says she would have done some things differently if she knew then what she knows now.

"We would have done a more organized search at the beginning. We would have had people going door to door," she said.

This class of volunteers learned how to look for clues, how to track someone and how to examine crime scene evidence.

If you're interested in signing up for future classes, you can visit the Klaas Foundation website.

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