Kings Finish Chelsea's Run

Brent and Kelly King drove into Balboa Park Friday, a day before more than 4,500 people gathered Saturday morning to "Finish Chelsea's Run."

Something caught Brent Kelly's attention: a big white sign noting street closures for the day of the event.

"You see street closed because of 'Finish Chelsea's Run,' and the energy that that brings Kelly and I for the event -- it's so exciting," King said. "We just can't wait to have this happen. It's thrilling."

There was something significant in their demeanor -- they're smiling and laughing.

"It's hard to believe that we've come this far and that we're able to celebrate in a way that we never dreamt possible, even a few months ago. It's awesome," said Kelly King.

The Kings, who ran Saturday with their son Tyler, said despite the profound sadness everyone feels, they wanted the event to be joyful and inspirational.

Thousands of sunflowers cycled around the 5k race site, located on the west end of Balboa Park. The race began at 7:25 a.m.

 "This is about celebrating everything that's good and everything that can be learned and improved for the future of our kids and our community," said Kelly King. "And what better place to start than providing scholarships and getting together on a great Saturday morning, going, 'Hey guys look, we're still standing.'"

The Kings knew they would be the center of attention Saturday, and they knew many people would  want a "piece" of them.

"Kell, and I have said it -- we have a lot of pieces," said Brent King.

"We have a lot of pieces, so hug away until there's no more pieces. But I don't think you'll ever get to that point. We'll have plenty to go around," said Kelly King.

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