
Georgia man suing rock n roll rapper over '07 incident

Kid Rock was in a Georgia court today to face a lawsuit accusing him and his entourage of serving up a beatdown in a Waffle House.

Jury selection finished Tuesday in the suit filed by Harlen Akins against Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock, and five members of his entourage. Akins claims the musician cursed at him during the early-morning fight in an Atlanta-area Waffle House in October 2007, and members of his posse beat Akins up and smashed his cell phone.

Kid Rock pleaded guilty in March 2008 to a misdemeanor charge of simple battery.

The musician stopped at the restaurant following a performance in Atlanta. The fight reportedly broke out after Akins recognized a woman in Kid Rock's party and spoke to her

Selected Reading:, The Associated Press, Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

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