‘It's Going to Be Pretty Brutal'

Some local educators think the painful budget decisions made during the last year are going to be back with a vengeance in 2009, according to a published report.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday proposed about $17 billion statewide cuts. School officials in San Diego County, who pink-slipped hundreds of teachers and cut millions from budgets in 2008 -- told the North County Times that they are anxious about what's coming.

"I've been in this business a long time, and this is the worst I've ever seen it," Gary Hamels, a San Marcos Unified School District official, told the paper.

In North County, school districts have mulled further cuts already, and have also put hiring freezes in place, the North County Times reported. Layoffs are looming though, since about 85 percent of most district's budgets consist of salaries and benefits.

"It's going to be pretty brutal," Hamels told the paper.

Read the North County Times story "Educators Expect Another Rough Year Financially" for more details.

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