Holiday Flu Could Be a Grinch This Year

Ways To Avoid Falling Victim To the Flu Bug This Season

‘Tis the season…for a hacking cough?

Influenza season is in full swing and with the rise of holiday airline travel, doctors say the chances of catching the flu bug are high.

“You get a big influx of all the family members coming together. You get a big mixing,” said Dr. Stephen Leibham, managing physician of U.S. HealthWorks’ Miramar clinic. “With everyone traveling, you get everyone spreading viruses throughout the area.”

Here are the most common spots to catch the flu, according to Leibham:

  • No. 1: Commercial airplanes: This germ hot spot basically traps the viruses indoors since the air is recirculating. The lavatory is by far the most germ-infested. “They’re probably the most contaminated of any restrooms,” he said.
  • No. 2: Grocery stores, malls and gas stations: Shopping carts are re-used often and rarely cleaned. The biggest culprit is the child seats in carts, where children cough, touch things and put things in their mouths.
  • No. 3: The office: Believe it or not, keyboards often have more bacteria than toilets. Telephones and office kitchen mugs and utensils are also a hot zone for viruses.
  • No. 4: The home: Surprisingly, the kitchen usually has the most bacteria, even more than bathrooms. Another germ culprit is the TV remote.
  • No. 5: Elevators and escalators: Everyone presses the buttons, but rarely does anyone clean them. Also be aware of handles and seats in taxis, buses and trains.

The good news: There are simple preventative measures you can take, Leibham said. The first and most obvious thing is to get a flu shot. Another common-sense tip is to wash your hands frequently and carry around hand sanitizer.

If you become sick, Leibham encourages you to “be considerate” and stay home.

“The first three days you’re sick you’re shedding the most amount of viruses,” he said.

And, he said, you don't want to ruin anyone else's Thanksgiving or Christmas.

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