High Speed Chase Across 3 Freeways Ends in Crash

A high speed chase across three different freeways ended Tuesday morning after police arrested the man who took off in a van.

At approximately 1:15 a.m., an officer found a man behind a Fry’s store throwing items into a dumpster. When the officer confronted the man about the situation, he hopped into a van and started a pursuit across three different freeways.

That pursuit ended in Serra Mesa, where the driver crashed the van into a fire hydrant and several parked cars.

One resident’s home started to flood. The woman said she has lived in the neighborhood for more than a decade and she never expected anything like this on her street.

Police arrested the driver after they found him inside a home in the neighborhood, though it was unclear if he knew the people inside or not. Police are investigating to see whether the material he threw in the dumpster was stolen.

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